Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Lineage Tradition

For thousands of years, initiation into this ancient lineage tradition has been empowering individuals to move further into their life purpose, amplifying their impact on the planet.

The lineage tradition of King Soloman is passed on through the Guides of the Modern Mystery School, beginning with the two-day Empower Thyself workshop. During this class, you'll be introduced to the core teachings of the lineage, which have been preserved, unchanged for thousands of years. You'll also be handed down tools to strengthen and protect your energy, and receive an initiation that will transform you into a lighthouse of positive energy, giving you the strength, stability, and support to carry out your heart's calling and live your life purpose.

If you're ready to move further into your life work, to seek the questions of who you really are and what you are here to do, you are ready to step into the lineage tradition and experience a more empowered state of being.

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