Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Insights from Abroad

Greetings from Europe! Traveling is one of my favorite pastimes. I feel so alive when I experience the rich culture of another country. Here are my insights from this trip:
  • Be your unique self – now!
My travel journal: "As I explore the Salvador Dali museum in Paris, I am struck by Dali’s unique approach to art, just as it was for many other artists who paved the European Art scene throughout history."

My takeaway: The world is our oyster. Don’t try to conform and do things the way it’s been done before. Live outside of your comfort zone. Dare to dream and try something new. There is no failure – just unlimited possibilities and learning. After all, if it doesn’t go as you wish you can recreate a new reality.
  • Create Magick in your Life!
My travel journal: "As I drive through the English countryside stopping at the ancient sites in Avebury, Glastonbury and Stonehenge, I discover a history that long precedes the Roman Empire and the Great Pyramids. I am in awe of the magick still alive and well in this beautify country. The English made a significant effort to preserve the magick of their land."

My take away: Magick with a “k” means creating something from nothing or creating something from something else. In other words we can create our reality through our thoughts and our actions. If you don’t like the results you’re getting – change your thoughts and actions and you can create a new outcome. As Dion Fortune wrote, magick is “causing changes in consciousness at will.”

My #1 recommendation for you: The absolute best way to apply your will to create success in your life is through the ancient rite of passage called Initiation, which is an energy transfer of 10x more light, or positive energy, to direct your will to create new outcomes and experiences in your life. This combined with the ancient art of meditation that you learn in the 2-day Empower Thyself Class & Initiation will assist with aligning your will to express your unique self and create new possibilities in your life.  I truly believe the Empower Thyself Program is for EVERYONE. I’ve observed people from all backgrounds and walks of life receive huge benefit and blessings in their life by stepping onto this path of possibilities.

If you've already received the light from the Empower Thyself Initiation and you're ready for your next step, contact me for a consultation at no charge. I'll find out more about your goals and point you toward your next level of deeper manifestation, whether it's a style of meditation, a healing session or a class. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Power of Music

I often get asked what styles of music are best for meditation, relaxation or to improve concentration. Music is extremely helpful - but only if you know what style of music to select. I recommend:
  • Classical music to enhance your creativity and focus. Try listening to Bach or Strauss. 
  • Hemi-Sync Metamusic for meditation, stress reduction and even to improve your learning ability. It's best if you can avoid songs with lyrics if you wish to meditate.
  • To boost your mood outside of meditation, select songs with positive lyrics and uplifting messages. 
Here's a list of my favorite Zen Tunes:
If you're looking for a way to accomplish more at work - consider this option: Focus@will – helps increase your attention span and focus by listening to the right music. 

However, the best way to increase your focus and improve your overall sense of wellbeing is through the art of meditation. I encourage you to take a few classes in addition to self-guided meditation. Classes are a great way to learn new techniques and improve your concentration during meditation. 

MAX Meditation System™ (MMS) is a complete meditation technique designed to get you meditating with ease. It combines breathing, deep-body relaxation, passive, active and guided meditation.

Benefits of MAX Meditation System™:
• Reduces stress & tension
• More positive control over your thoughts
• Detachment from situations that cause you unease
• Happiness & peace of mind
• Increased concentration
• Deep relaxation

For best results - this class is meant to be experienced on a regular basis -  similar to practicing the art of yoga.

Sign up for one of our weekly meditation classes today!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Transformation: Change your mind. Change your life!

How often do you feel like your mind is running 100 miles per hour with thoughts streaming in all throughout the day and night? So many people have a hard time turning off the constant mind chatter. Yet it is possible to transform your mind! It just takes practice. It's not something you can read in a book or go online and watch a quick how to video. I recommend time tested techniques with a proven track record of success, which is exactly what I offer at True Sanctuary. All of the classes and private sessions that I share with you are based on an ancient wisdom lineage with techniques that work!  In addition, here are some tips for transformation:

1. Pay attention to your thoughts. Are they mostly negative with visions of what could go wrong? Or are you saying kind, encouraging words to yourself? Your thoughts create your reality. You experience what you believe.

2. Clean your mind! Get rid of mind clutter. The best way is through the ancient art of Universal Kabbalah and through a regular meditation practice. The most successful people I know practice both.
The Universal Kabbalah is the #1 tool for transforming your mind clutter, creating balance in your life and establishing success in the areas of your life where you want to make improvements. The Universal Kabbalah has no religious dogma and honors all paths. We've had several students in Minneapolis study the Universal Kabbalah to achieve more success at work from pay raises to new jobs to establishing their own successful companies. We've also seen success with people who have wanted to heal certain aspects of their life or create a supportive romantic partnership and so much more.

I highly recommend this month's lecture, "The Heart of Kabbalah" to learn how you can take this #1 Tool for Transformation and apply it in your life. We will be doing various activities in class to experience the essence of it.

3. Create a vision for the future. Write a list of what it is that you want to create or make a vision board to anchor in the energy behind what you want to happen in your life. You need some way of taking from the dream state in your mind and actualizing it by bringing it into the physical.

4. Action! You need a clear idea, and then monitor your thoughts about it and take action steps to work toward your goal. Don't wait for it by doing nothing. Take action!

Check out our upcoming classes and healing session discounts and sign up today! You can be one step closer to transforming your mind and creating success.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Lineage Tradition

For thousands of years, initiation into this ancient lineage tradition has been empowering individuals to move further into their life purpose, amplifying their impact on the planet.

The lineage tradition of King Soloman is passed on through the Guides of the Modern Mystery School, beginning with the two-day Empower Thyself workshop. During this class, you'll be introduced to the core teachings of the lineage, which have been preserved, unchanged for thousands of years. You'll also be handed down tools to strengthen and protect your energy, and receive an initiation that will transform you into a lighthouse of positive energy, giving you the strength, stability, and support to carry out your heart's calling and live your life purpose.

If you're ready to move further into your life work, to seek the questions of who you really are and what you are here to do, you are ready to step into the lineage tradition and experience a more empowered state of being.